About Us
Our Administrators

Sr. Cabrini Thomas
I was born in Aurora Illinois in the 1940’s near the end of the Second World War. My father immigrated from Italy in the 1920’s. My mother was born in Missouri, but moved to Aurora when she was four. I am the third of a family of five, having two older sisters and a younger brother and sister. We all went to a Catholic grade school and Catholic high schools. I joined the Daughters of Charity in 1961 and after my college degree was sent to Los Angeles to teach. I have taught in Southern California, but also taught in Price Utah and here at SVdP in the 1970’s. I became principal in 1983 and have been in administration in two schools in Los Angeles and now here at SVdP.
I like to read, embroider, walk and work in the garden.

Azalia Lomas-Garcia
A born and raised Texan, I moved to Arizona in 2018 with my husband and two kids, Noah and Sarah, and our three dogs. I graduated from the University of Texas- Pan American with a Bachelors in Psychology and a minor in Business Administration. Shortly after graduating, I earned my teaching certificate in Elementary Education with a Bilingual certification. I have taught grades 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and was then promoted to an Academic Counselor/Testing coordinator and a few years later became an Assistant Principal. Prior to moving to Arizona, my husband and I were actively involved in our parish serving in mass regularly and leading youth programs.
After moving to Arizona, I enrolled at Northern Arizona University where I earned my masters degree in Educational Leadership-Principal K-12. As I begin my 19th year in education, I am excited to continue transforming lives at St. Vincent de Paul where I believe every child deserves the best education while developing a solid catholic foundation.
When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, or watching movies.

Alex Hinrichsen
Assistant Principal
Alex Hinrichsen joined St. Vincent de Paul in 2024 as Assistant Principal. He will use his prior experience as a School Counselor and Dean of Students to highlight character education and foster a safe and nurturing environment to increase student achievement.
Mr. Hinrichsen earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Nebraska. Upon graduating Mr. Hinrichsen worked for Tucson Unified School District, prior to completing his graduate degree in School Counseling from the University of Nebraska.
Mr. Hinrichsen has over ten years of educational experience spanning K-12 and university with a specific concentration in social-emotional learning and behavioral statistics. He has been responsible for writing and implementing new curricula in Nebraska and Arizona for Social and Emotional Learning and Career and Technical Education.
Prior to coming to SVdP, Mr. Hinrichsen was the Men’s Dean of Students at Salpointe Catholic High School in Tucson. Mr. Hinrichsen looks forward to working with our SVdP families to ensure their child’s success.
In his spare time, Mr. Hinrichsen enjoys running, hiking, cooking, and traveling internationally.

Glocelyn Rahaman
Assistant Principal of Instruction
About Us

Inspired by the life of St. Vincent de Paul, we are a Roman Catholic school that promotes Gospel values, academic excellence, and a life of Christian charity.

Recognizing that parents are the primary educator of their children, the community of St. Vincent de Paul works together to educate the whole child; spiritually, morally, physically and intellectually.