
St. Vincent de Paul School opened its doors in September 1959 for students in grades 1 – 5 at a temporary building on the west side of Phoenix.  Four Daughters of Charity were among the first teaching staff.  Over the years, more than 60 Daughters have continued this service to the families of SVdP and the surrounding communities.

Today, a qualified and caring staff of Sisters and laity provide an educational setting for children from preschool through grade eight.  In partnership with parents, the staff of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School strive to help each student grow in self-worth, love of God and love of neighbor.

The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul sponsor the school and are committed to the continuance of its fine educational programs.  At SVdP we are committed to making Catholic education available and affordable to every family who desires it for their children.  With the support of the Daughters of Charity, the people of St. Vincent de Paul parish and the dedication and sacrifice of the teachers and staff, the great ministry of the Catholic education continues.